Take your artistry to the next level with private dramatic coachings in performance techniques for singers. It doesn’t matter if you are an opera singer, a classical recitalist, a musical theatre singer, or a cabaret singer, the performance techniques are the same.
Singers are the luckiest of all performers because we have WORDS. Singing the words means that we have to COMMUNICATE something to our audience. But understanding the meaning of the words is not enough. A character says those words and there is a reason they say those words at that moment.
“How to Level-Up Your Piano Skills as a Singer – in 30 Days or Less”
This FREE class is for you if…
- You want to be able to play the piano for yourself or for your students.
- You’ve watched some online videos and bought some piano method books but don’t know how to apply these things to the specific skills you need.
- You know how to read music but you’re overwhelmed by the technique required to actually play vocal repertoire.
- You can play scales and “chord-fake” but you’re overwhelmed by actually playing accompaniments with any level of mastery.
- You want an easy, straightforward system to learn how to play the piano in a way that will support your singing or the singing of your students in 30 days or less.
The Questions
You need to be able to answer the following questions:
- Who are you? (because YOU are now portraying that character)
- Who are you singing to?
- Where are you?
- What happened just before this song was sung that inspires you to sing?
- What do you WANT in this song?
- Do you get what you want once the song is over?
And that is just the beginning…..
In a private dramatic coaching we will address all of those questions and more:
- How to use the language to appropriately communicate the meaning of the text
- How to listen to the music to understand what the composer wanted to convey in the meaning of the text
- How to research the true meaning of the song
- How to draw upon personal experience to make the emotions of the song real to you
- and so much more

Audition Preparation
Let’s face it. When you are one of 200 singers that an audition panel is seeing, you must stand out. Every audience member (and the panel is your audience) wants to be MOVED in some way. In order to really move someone, you must have something to say as a performer. The only way you will have something to say is if you get to the heart of the character and the song.
Role Preparation
If you are preparing to perform a role, learning and memorizing the words and music is not enough. You must do the research and understand completely the journey of the character. You need to know their history and create their future (if they have one). And you need to have all the questions answered before you get into rehearsal because the Director might not have time to work through the answers with you (or they might not know the answers themselves!).
The Ultimate Performance
Maybe you are not on the professional track and just sing for enjoyment. There is nothing more satifying than finding something personal in a song that allows you to completely surrender to it. Getting to the heart of the text, the music, the character enhances your experience as a singer and can open up your voice even more than you thought it could. Learning performance techniques for singers can take you to the next level.
I do offer discounts for groups of coachings purchased at once! I will send an invoice and I can be paid directly from the invoice with a credit card or bank account or via Venmo (@Regina-Zona) and Zelle (
Makeup lessons/Cancellation Policy
Should you need to cancel a lesson for any reason, I need 24 hours notice. You can text me (914-523-2718) or email me. If I don’t get the proper notice, no matter what the reason for the cancellation, no makeup lesson will be offered and there are no refunds. If I do get the proper notice, we will schedule a makeup lesson at our mutual convenience. I do not follow the school calendar so if school is out of session, don’t assume that you won’t have a lesson that day. If you need to reschedule for a school holiday, let me know 24 hours in advance.
Where do the coachings take place?
Dr. Zona is pleased to welcome students back to the studio! In-person lessons are now available in Yonkers or in Manhattan (for a small room rental fee). Coachings can also take place online. With the right equipment and a peer to peer application like Jamkazam, online singing lessons can mimic the experience of an in-person lesson. These platforms allow Dr. Zona to teach students all over the world. To learn more about the technology needed for online lessons, click HERE.