Are You With the Right Voice Teacher?
You may have started with a new teacher or been with a teacher for years. Are you getting what you need from that teacher? Do you see progress? Do you feel supported? In this video, I give you some ideas on how to evaluate whether or not you are with the right...
How to Learn an Operatic Role from Scratch
You got the role! Or you are preparing to get the role! Good for you! Now the real work begins and that doesn’t mean that you just open the score and start singing! Learn how to really prepare a role so you know everything about it dramatically, musically and vocally....
A Three Part Series for Young Artists – A Summer Action Plan!
It’s been a long time since I have done a vlog but I did it with a vengeance today! I have created a three part series Vlog for young artists. It is an action plan for young performing artists that they can implement for these last two months of summer to prepare for...
My First Video Blog – on Vocalizing!
Hello all! Below is my first video blog on the art of vocalizing. I give you several things to think about when you are creating or modifying your vocalization routine. If there are any topics that you would like me to cover on this blog, please email me...
Welcome to My Blog!
I am going to use this blog as a way of sharing ideas about singing, teaching, performing and all that jazz. Check back often for updates! First video will be coming soon!